On Demand Solutions

Disaster Recovery & Emergency   Scheduled or Reservation Bandwidth    Video Conferencing Over Satellite
Disaster Recovery & Emergency   Scheduled or Reservation Bandwidth   Video Conferencing Over Satellite
OnDemand bandwidth provides the communications links you need immediately upon system deployment. Flexible billing plans let you purchase dedicated space by the minute, day, week or month with no minimum commitment and without expensive monthly service fees.
You can reserve bandwidth in advance. Just tell us what and when you need and we can work with you to prepare a bandwidth plan for your requirement. Per Minute Billing is Ideal for users who need frequent short events. Daily, Weekly or Monthly Billing Great for users requiring short-term space.
Video conferencing solutions are typically used for two way visual communication between a remote and fixed office to include remote locations in meetings. It is more often employed by government users, although can be used by the broadcasters to hold two way interviews.
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