Mobile Satellite Solutions

BGAN services   BGAN x-stream service   BGAN Link
Voice,Data,Fax   Video Conference ,IP streaming   BGAN Link
Broadband Global Area Network – BGAN – provides both simultaneous voice and data, globally. It also offers a portfolio of guaranteed, on-demand IP streaming rates called BGAN-X-Stream.
BGAN X-Stream is Inmarsat’s new premium IP streaming service. It offers guaranteed, on demand streaming data rates from a minimum of 384kbps up to approximately 450kbps.
BGAN Link is a broadband data service for users who have a requirement for high volumes of standard IP data in one location. It provides companies working in a remote area for sustained periods of time .
BGAN M2M is a reliable, global, two-way IP data rate service designed for long-term machine-to-machine management of fixed assets. BGAN M2M delivers a cost-effective and ubiquitous IP service.
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